Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea

Get relief from obstructive sleep apnea with alternatives to CPAP*

  • Without CPAP
  • Without surgical implants*

*Applies only to mild-to-moderate OSA.

Video: How Do You Know If You Have Sleep Apnea?

SmileUp Dentistry uses Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) scanning

We use CBCT dental convene, computed, tomography, or 3-D scanning to view the images of teeth, soft tissue bone airways in a single scan. CBCT allows us to pre-plan surgeries like single or multiple implants.

CBCT provides diagnostics for any pathology, such as tumors. CBCT also measures airway obstructions and assesses TMJ Disorders

Adult symptoms of Sleep Apnea

As an adult you may have sleep apnea issues if you are experiencing any of these symptoms:

  • Snoring
  • Waking up with bouts of breathlessness
  • Jaw problems or clicking
  • Brain fog
  • Lack of focus
  • Teeth grinding
  • Fight or flight reaction
  • Unable to sleep at night

How do I know my child has Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea goes undiagnosed in many as a lot of people are unaware of manifestations.

Can obstructive sleep apnea cause behavioral issues in kids?

Assume a child is not getting restful sleep night after night for years and kid can even be diagnosed with adhd and disruptive behavior. In long term, if it goes undiagnosed might cause growth problems and cognitive development.

Signs of obstructive sleep apnea in kids include:

  • Snoring, often with pauses, snorts, or gasps. Coughing or choking.
  • Heavy breathing while sleeping.
  • Pauses in breathing.
  • Very restless sleep and sleeping in unusual positions. Restless leg syndrome.
  • Bedwetting (especially if a child had stayed dry at night.
  • Daytime sleepiness or behavior/learning problems.
  • Sleepwalking or night terrors / sleep terrors.
  • Teeth grinding.

Infants and young children with obstructive sleep apnea don’t always snore. They might just have disturbed sleep, complaining of tiredness and/or under eye circles. Adult patients with obstructive sleep apnea may have daytime tiredness but kids might have behavioral problems.

During the day you might notice:

  • Have difficulty paying attention.
  • Have learning problems.
  • Have behavioral problems.
  • Perform poorly in school.
  • Irritability and depression
  • Headaches
  • Be hyperactive or diagnosed with ADHD.
  • Chronic Allergies
  • Swollen tonsils, or adenoids
  • If your child has any of the above said complaints answer might be to watch them when they are sleeping.
  • If you observe these signs and symptoms when your child is sleeping.

How is Sleep Apnea diagnosed?

Diagnosis of sleep apnea is not simple because there can be many different causes. Primary healthcare providers, pulmonologists, neurologists, or other healthcare providers with specialty training in sleep disorders may be involved in making a diagnosis and starting treatment.

Several tests are available for evaluating sleep apnea, including our Take Home Sleep Test: SleepImage.

animated gif showing 360 view of the SleepImage device

SleepImage is a revolutionary Approach to Screen, Diagnose and Manage Sleep Health in Children & Adults to:

  • Measure Sleep Quality.
  • Measure Sleep Duration
  • Evaluate Sleep Disorders
  • Diagnose Sleep Apnea:
    • Obstructive and Central
  • Manage Sleep Disorder Treatment:
    • Treatment Efficacy
    • Compliance

To read more check out the Introduction to SleepImage.

This device can be blue toothed into your phone to measure your heartrate, respiratory rate, oxygen.

The SleepImage System is FDA-cleared to aid clinical diagnosis of Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) in children, adolescents and adults. The output from the SleepImage System present various sleep related output metrics such as sleep duration (SD), total sleep time (TST), wake after sleep onset (WASO) and sleep quality (SQI) and sleep disordered breathing (SDB) related output metrics that include an Oxygen Desaturation Index (ODI), an Apnea Hypopnea Index (sAHI), a Respiratory Disturbance Index (sRDI) and the Sleep Apnea Indicator (SAI) that is derived from Cyclic Variation in Heart Rate (CVHR). The SleepImage System is patented, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliant cloud-based system. It is intended for use by, or on the order of, a Healthcare Professional to establish sleep quality, aid in the evaluation of sleep disorders to inform or drive clinical management, as well as to aid in diagnosis and management of SDB. The SleepImage System is FDA-cleared for use with children from age 2, adolescents and adults.

When should my child see a doctor?

Make an appointment with your child’s dentist to screen sleep problems. ADA recommends dentists screening for sleep apnea if your child consistently wakes up in the morning feeling tired and has behavioral problems. Contact our Bartonville / Argyle dental office to learn more.

Effects of the Jawbone - Please contact us if you are having trouble seeing this image.

I May Have Obstructive Sleep Apnea, so now what?

If you have been diagnosed with Mild-to-moderate Obstructive sleep apnea, you need to see a qualified medical doctor and/or a dentist with the appropriate training.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a serious medical condition that affects patients of all ages, body types, and backgrounds.

Sleep apnea has a direct correlation between night time grinding / Bruxer and airway issues.

We offer Healthy Start, Myobrace, Vivos and Myofunctional Therapy to treat misaligned teeth, small jaws and prevent orthodontic issues.

If you have below symptoms and have not been diagnosed with Sleep Apnea yet, you have come to the right practice. Dr.Reddy believes in a multidisciplinary approach for sleep apnea. Fill out our form to see if this is the right treatment for you or your child.

Call Dr.Reddy for a free consult and add a form for their first name, last name and email and phone number to reach them.

Request an Appointment at SmileUp Dentistry

Sleep apnea and adult sleep apnea. While adults usually have daytime sleepiness, children are more likely to have behavioral problems. The underlying cause in adults is often obesity, while in children the most common underlying condition is enlargement of the adeno.

Early diagnosis and treatment are important to prevent complications that can affect children’s growth, cognitive development and behavior.

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